Donald Trump has exploited this lie too far. Despite all evidence to the contrary, a CNN poll finds 54 per cent of his supporters believe President Obama is a Muslim. An incredibly ignorant question from some right wing extremist and Trump's response to it at a town hall meeting really does say it all. Trump is afraid to acknowledge that his doubts about Obama's birthplace and religion are flat out lies. The reason is simple: his political base refuses to accept facts about our first African-American President. If the embarassing town meeting forces Trump's hand at finally giving up his bogus allegations, then he knows his campaign is toast. There are lots of things to dislike about Donald Trump. Where do we start? I condemn his leadership role in the totally discredited birther movement, outrageous remarks about military service, childish personal attacks, spreading myths about vaccines' connection with autism, shallow pandering to fundamentalists, insanely expensive plans to build a border wall and misrepresenting Mexico and undocumented workers. His whole political existence is predicated on fear of "them" taking stuff from "us." Trump isn't entertaining anymore; he's pathetic and dangerous.
Bernie Sanders has been everything Donald Trump isn't. That's reason enough to add my name to Bernie's supporters.