
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stuff Only I Would Notice

We can't say the New London County radio market had been lacking a country radio outlet or a female-focused adult contemporary station, but the field just got a bit more crowded. I wish the new entrants at least as much luck as someone who works for the competition can. I'm sure some considerable planning and effort went into launching these new station formats, but leave it to this radio geek to ask the silly questions. With the possible exception of right-wing talk, I can't think of another format that wraps itself more in the American flag than country music. Hey, Canadian and Australian artists score well on the country charts too. There's even French Canadian country. Jazz is about as American as music can get, but even the more widely - and commercially - accepted soul and rock trace their roots to the good ol' USA. Are country artists or fans more patriotic? I don't think so. Radio is also very focused on audience age and gender, but I find much of the adult contemporary playlist more listenable than ten years ago, even though the programmers may not care whether a guy over 55 likes it or not. Is it really necessary to project such a "women only" image between the songs that I'm made to feel unwelcome setting a button for that station? I like lots of different types of songs and understand today's competitive need to superserve a demographic, but why tell me I'm not wanted?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Extraordinary Every Time

Washington's Inauguration, 1789
Did you watch any of the second inauguration of President Obama and Vice President Biden?   I know some Americans aren't as happy or impressed with it as I am, given the very polarized atmosphere everywhere. I can't help but wonder how I'd be feeling if this had been Mitt Romney's inauguration. However you voted, this event that happens every four years remains one of the more remarkable success stories in world history. The orderly transition or continuation of power based on the will of the people is gaining momentum thanks in no small part to our own example. Even so, it is still far from a common occurence in many countries across the globe. Through all the years of this messy experiment we call a democratic republic, the move from one Presidential administration to another has never meant a military coup or someone appointing himself dictator. Many people are bemoaning how our President is threatening to take away their constiututional rights or how our republic is supposedly dead or dying.   They're just plain wrong.   I point to history and to all those times when civil war, depression, scandal, slavery, armed attack and moves to abolish basic rights failed to deny Americans their day to see a new administration peacefully and orderly sworn into office.   We've seen worse, yet the process begun in 1789 endures.   The result of an election may not always be to our liking, but an inauguration like this one on Martin Luther King Jr. Day is something to celebrate.     

Friday, January 18, 2013

A New Low For The Gun Lobby

NRA Ad: Over The Top?
Really, I wanted to get away from blogging about the gun control issue for a week, but no.   Did you see the National Rifle Association's shameless ad referring to our "elitist" President's children being under armed guard while everyone else's kids are supposedly denied that kind of protection?   Then the following day the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh and other right wingers attack President Obama for sharing the stage with school children while presenting his gun control proposals.   The Tea Party's Facebook even equated that with Hitler's, Stalin's or Saddam's use of children in propaganda!   Isn't the Tea Party supposed to be founded and focused on curbing government spending?   A TP spokesperson said on CNN their group "doesn't get involved in social issues."   What a load of crap!   When you have to bring Hitler into the debate, you've given up any moral high ground.   If I hear one more gun control opponent mention how much better Ronald Reagan was for preserving the Second Amendment, I would remind then that Reagan also favored an assault weapons ban.   No, I don't want Obama, a New World Order or any UN black helicopters to come in and take law abiding citizens' shotguns and handguns away (even if I could).   At the same time, the NRA and the even more reactionary Gun Owners of America cannot simply slander our President without bringing anything to the table except a guarantee to have more guns in circulation.   Yes, a school system in Ohio wants to arm all the custodians!   The truth is, the NRA's Wayne LaPierre and the rest of the key lobbyists for gun manufacturers have only managed to spread fear and anger among much of the gun-owning population.   They don't care about anything else, and the ad invoking the Obama children proves that.   They've been drunk with power over our culture and politics for way too long, and I hope you'll join me and other Americans interested in a real discussion on gun violence.    Next week, I'll try to lighten up!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Talk Radio's Shameful Role

Alex Jones
The gun lobby's stranglehood over this country's gun control discussion is nothing new.   I recall in the mid 80s when the topic came up on our WLAD/Danbury midday talk show.   The unfamiliar voices of well organized gun control opponents armed with rehearsed talking points flooded the phone lines.   It was obviously a coordinated "swarm".  Their intention was clearly to overwhelm and  discourage any real discussion.   They succeeded.   A few decades later and just a couple of miles away from that WLAD studio, the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown has made the issue of guns and violence impossible for the NRA and others to sweep under the rug.   The fact that Walmart, one of the nation's biggest ammunition dealers, and the NRA at least agreed to meet with administration officials is evidence that Newtown is a potential game changer.   As with any mass shooting, the news also sets off a gun buying frenzy.   Part of that is our own reactive nature, but my own profession also bears a lot of the blame.   Right wing hosts dominate talk radio.   Just yesterday, Rush Limbaugh erroneously claimed that the Obama Administration could issue an executive order decimating the Second Amendment.   CNN called him out on it.   Speaking of CNN, did you see the Piers Morgan interview of radio talk host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones?    Jones' screaming and threatening tirade against any attempts at gun control served as an eye opener as to how dangerous zealots can be.   This nutjob is on 140 radio stations!    There are many radio talk show hosts who fanned the unfounded fear that President Obama is out to confiscate everyone's guns and leave private citizens defenseless against an oppressive federal government.   By likening Obama to Hitler, they bear a big share of responsibility for trampling over comprehensive talk about guns in society while fanning the flames of fear.    Are there ridiculous ideas on the side of gun control?   Of course - people are frustrated, but Governor Malloy is right when he says the solution isn't just about posting armed guards at every classroom.    Fox News shares some blame, but shame on most of talk radio!      

Sunday, January 6, 2013

No Big Deal!

Happy New Year! I don't normally set out to make New Years' resolutions, but this year a few observations on my part seemed to dictate the need. So much of what we get all worked up about is not even real. Call it that serenity prayer message if you like. If it's not relevant to my priorities, then it should be a nonissue. In all aspects of life, I see so many people getting worked up over the need to be absolutely right about everything. Some people got so angry over the plans of some whacked out Kansas cult or an outrageous $100 million suit brought by some sleazy publicity hungry lawyer that it actually got in the way of the memory of the victims in the Sandy Hook school massacre and marred the healing process. The best way to deal with these upsetting distractions is to ignore them as much as possible, since they will eventually pass. Likewise, there are irritants we are exposed to in our everyday life that may frazzle but quickly fizzle. I can't control most things other people do in my ever changing personal and professional "news cycle". Some of it may affect me. Even less is serious. So much of what people stress over isn't even real. That was something I forgot for about five minutes today before counting to ten. So much of the drama in books, movies and TV is based on what "could" happen. I resolve not to let it drive my attitude toward life.

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