
Sunday, January 6, 2013

No Big Deal!

Happy New Year! I don't normally set out to make New Years' resolutions, but this year a few observations on my part seemed to dictate the need. So much of what we get all worked up about is not even real. Call it that serenity prayer message if you like. If it's not relevant to my priorities, then it should be a nonissue. In all aspects of life, I see so many people getting worked up over the need to be absolutely right about everything. Some people got so angry over the plans of some whacked out Kansas cult or an outrageous $100 million suit brought by some sleazy publicity hungry lawyer that it actually got in the way of the memory of the victims in the Sandy Hook school massacre and marred the healing process. The best way to deal with these upsetting distractions is to ignore them as much as possible, since they will eventually pass. Likewise, there are irritants we are exposed to in our everyday life that may frazzle but quickly fizzle. I can't control most things other people do in my ever changing personal and professional "news cycle". Some of it may affect me. Even less is serious. So much of what people stress over isn't even real. That was something I forgot for about five minutes today before counting to ten. So much of the drama in books, movies and TV is based on what "could" happen. I resolve not to let it drive my attitude toward life.

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