
Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Political Will

In a week marked by the 9/11 anniversary and President Obama's healthcare address to Congress, I can't help but see a parallel between the two events. Unlike the terror threat before 9/11/01 - or for that matter the near economic collapse that hit us a year ago - more politicians and the public are engaged in trying to head off a disaster they see ahead. Unfortunately, many people and organizations still refuse to get on board even halfway. Opponents see it as a government takeover, pure and simple. In watching the President's speech, I saw a determination matched with moderation in the interest of getting something done. It was far from a more left wing agenda embraced by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. After 9/11, was anyone heckling President Bush when he spoke to Congress and the nation? Does anyone really think the health care status quo is taking us where we need to go? Do we need more of a wakeup call with healthcare? When I hear the criticism, some of it understandable, I don't hear any corresponding plan of action. Lively debate is the American way, but so is finding common ground. Is the political will we found in the war on terror after 9/11/01 here now for fixing healthcare? 50 million uninsured Americans hope so.

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