
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Facebook Birthday Bash

If I needed direct evidence of how much Facebook has done for online social networking, yesterday provided it. All through the day yesterday, dozens of friends sent Happy Birthday wishes. The vast majority were through my Facebook account. It's not that I'm the most popular person on Facebook with 110 friends. Then again, it's hard to believe most people can ever have 500 or 1000 real friends anyway. The most remarkable thing is how my Facebook friends has grown since my last birthday, and how frequently many of these people are using it. Some use this new power wisely, while others write without proofreading or conveying anything that anyone would ever remotely care about. That's just pure addiction. I'm sure Facebook, among other related sites, will be a somewhat different service by my next birthday. For me, Facebook brightened up my birthday and kept me in touch with friends after my job loss last month. Here's my personal page. I still have my direct mail advertising work with The Extra & The Advertiser, and of course we had to start a Facebook fan page for that. Take a minute and become a fan. We'll try to make it worth your while.

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