
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dramatic Diversions - No Big Deals

So, Lebron James is headed out of Cleveland and toward the Miami Heat.  To see the reaction in these towns and others, you would think the world as we know it had radically changed forever.  Cleveland's NBA team, not to mention its economy, will most likely survive LBJ's departure.   He had every right to go where he wanted, and Cleveland fans need to get over this feeling of betrayal.  What could have been spared?  An endless hour on ESPN that could have been a minute!  At least the Dancing With The Stars results shows have something called entertainment leading up to who gets the boot.   The other drama that needed to end was Lindsay Lohan's reaction to the judge's jail sentence.  She showed no respect for the court up to that point, losing all credibility.  Her hysterics were more an angry, incredulous reaction to a sentence she thought she was above.  She needs treatment for her drug problems, but nobody can be too shocked by what the judge decided.   In both cases, it's time for a lot of fans (and Lindsay herself) to get real.   Were these huge water cooler topics of conversation?  Sure.  Did they affect our lives more than the time spent following them on ESPN or  No.   

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