
Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Annoying Orange Goes Viral

Most YouTube videos are juvenile.  Most are a waste of time.  If it weren't for the YouTube app on my Blackberry, I would still be blissfully ignorant of a character that has the most popular YouTube series with over 60 million views: The Annoying Orange.  When I first discovered the wisecracking orange with the eyes and mouth of its human creator Dane Boedigheimer, I have to admit liking these simple yet unique (and yes, annoying) videos.  I figured if many people my age can be entertained by playing Mafia Wars and Farmville on Facebook, I can laugh at this obnoxious fruit that reminds me of a combination of Dennis the Menace, Don Rickles and Gilbert Gottfried.  Don't be surprised if some TV network doesn't pick up this series and try something with it.  Through the vast YouTube wasteland, there are some creative people finding an outlet here.   YouTube content creators like Ray William Johnson and Shane Dawson may be the next wave of mainstream TV.    I'll pass on the YouTube Harry Potter and Katy Perry parodies, but some of what I've seen on that tiny Blackberry screen may be the next primetime ratings winner.   That prospect may be annoying, but I'd bet on it. 

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