
Monday, March 7, 2011

Charlie's "Winning" Ways

Wow, my 200th post!   I must have a lot to say.  What hasn't been said by and about Charlie Sheen over the last couple of weeks?  Perhaps his most memorable rant-filled interview  leading up to his firing from "Two and a Half Men" was with ABC last week, when Charlie's most quoted words were all captured in the span of a few minutes: "tiger blood," "one gear - go" and of course, the ever-present "winning."   This has either been the most publicized celebrity meltdown in history or Charlie is a genius at playing us all for fools while getting notoriety - or both.   Google "Charlie Sheen" and you'll get all kinds of impersonators, with Jimmy Fallon and Jerry O'Connell among the funniest.   "Two and a Half Men" may not be high culture, but it has been very well written and I'm not too snobby to think it's funny.   Some variation on this theme can still succeed in CBS prime time.  Whatever happens, it will take more than merely replacing Sheen's character with a similar one.    The tabloids are having a field day as the world finds itself incapable of looking away from this train wreck.   I can't help but feel sad for his family.  There are so many people less fortunate than Charlie Sheen who can't find their way back to sobriety.    For all his millions, he's no different than the dysfunctional people on the Jerry Springer Show.  I don't see this headed to a good place.  Perhaps a trip to quake-ravaged Haiti with his pal Sean Penn can inject some perspective into his own victim mentality.    I will say that if getting fired from a job ultimately defines "winning," then I'm a big winner too!

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