
Monday, March 25, 2013

They Love Their Dump

Blame it on this winter that refuses to go away.   My blog topics have all been serious for weeks on end.   How we get rid of our trash may also be a weighty issue, but some folks in Montville apparently find regular trips to the town landfill to be an enjoyable experience.   Those comments came from residents who spoke out against a proposal by town council member Dana McFee to have town-wide trash pickup.   Now, residents either pay a private contractor or take the trash to the dump themselves.   Some say this destination has become a social gathering place where their kids even like to come along.   They like it!    I do admit a feeling of accomplishment when I cart away big things that do nothing but clutter up my home, but a weekly jaunt to the town landfill just to get rid of everyday trash can get old very quickly.   Maybe one man's trash can be another man's treasure, but I see little evidence of that.   I've also always felt the dump was a place to jettison junk and not a prime spot for a scavenger hunt.     For one thing, I find little intriguing in most tag sales or in that old pogo stick or golf bag left at the curb, let alone picking over what others leave behind in a landfill.   No one will ever call me a hoarder, and whenever I exhibit my penchant for holding on to all things electronic I recall an episode of TV's Hoarders and find the process of letting go easier.   

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