
Monday, December 2, 2013

The Decision

Put on a smile.   Grow a thick skin.   Think only positive thoughts.   Get on with your life.   A lot of people have it worse off than you.   
People prone to depression hear these bits of advice from others who may mean well but aren't geared the same and don't understand the depths of this affliction.    From time to time, I get to feeling depressed.   It could happen during the holidays or the middle of summer when we're told to make the most of a joyous time and I'm just not feeling it.   It doesn't mean the same garden variety sadness that everyone gets.    It can affect someone's energy level and overall health.    It can be an isolating feeling that is not diminished with a few words of admonition, pep talk or pop psychology from friends.    I admit to some bouts of mild to moderate depression, most notably in my late teens when it felt like I was missing out on life.   If I knew how to snap out of it at will then I would have done it, but I did experience a moment of clarity almost 40 years ago to the day when the word "decision" really hit me.   It may have been subconscious thinking, but on some level I had made the decision to let this dark force rule my life.   Then I made a reverse decision to take control of what I could and not let depression rule over me.   Depression would return from time to time, but only when I temporarily forgot the lesson of 40 years ago.   
To friends and loved ones of people who suffer depression, please remember that a few simple supportive actions or words can be the best remedy you can offer.    Lincoln and Churchill suffered from depression, so don't assume their feelings are from some shameful character weakness.    Check out this video equating depression with a "black dog".   Hopefully the depressed person will realize how much of their destiny is under their power with one step in the right direction.   

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