
Friday, December 18, 2009

Charlie Gibson Retires

Like the daily newspaper and snail mail, the evening newscasts on the "Big 3" networks aren't the catch-all they used to be, but it's hard to think of our world being without them someday. Even if I don't watch the evening news every night, it is somehow comforting to know there's an authoritative and reassuring figure on the small screen at dinnertime. The so-called news channels - Fox, MSNBC, HLN, and (sadly now) CNN have become more of a haven for talking heads too full of themselves and their ideologies. Now more than ever, America still needs people who proudly carry on a journalistic tradition of objectivity while delivering it so smoothly and still keeping that human touch. Yet Charles Gibson wanted to leave before he had worn out his welcome as he signed off his final ABC newscast tonight. I don't think that was coming close to happening anytime soon, but Diane Sawyer is the logical choice as successor. Maybe we will see him more often at one of his favorite places in eastern Connecticut: the Griswold Inn in Essex - "The Griz," as he and other patrons say. He'll be missed on TV.

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