"Serenity Now!" is the phrase Frank Costanza uses when he frequently gets stressed out on an episode of "Seinfeld." Of course, shouting it doesn't seem the best way to insure it works. We always hear about how stressful holiday time can be. For a few moments on Christmas Eve day, I certainly wondered if it was worth the craziness. This entire year, it seems that more people have been under more stress than ever, and that instance was my "Give me a break" moment. I always preach - but don't always practice - about not doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. I also try to differentiate between what I can control and what I can't. You don't have to be in Alcoholics Anonymous to recognize that wisdom. As I see decent people consumed by the need to complicate their lives, I see missed opportunities to enjoy the journey. Making money and having things is fine, but you can't take it with you. Why do we forget that so often? It's all about the lives you touch - and the ones who touch your life. As far as I'm concerned, it's been a remarkable year, but there's work to be done on what counts.
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